2.4. Cross-compiling the Linux Kernel

2.4.1. References

2.4.2. Goals

  • Cross-compile a kernel for an emulated target
  • Use the Debian packaged cross-compiler
  • Make a kernel configuration

2.4.3. Kernel make arguments for cross-compilation

  • Possible parameters passed to make for cross compilation:
Option Description Example
ARCH= indicate the architecture ARCH=arm
CROSS_COMPILE= cross compiler prefix CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-
INSTALL_MOD_PATH= path to install modules INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../staging
  • Pre-defined configuration files available for a lot of embedded boards.
  • Architecture and vendor specific configurations enabled.

2.4.4. Steps

1. Install packaged ARM cross-compiler toolchain from distribution:

user@host: sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf

2. Get the kernel source:

user@host: cd ${DL_PATH}
user@host: wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.0.6.tar.xz

3. Extract the source tarball on your host:

user@host: mkdir ${LINUX_PATH}
user@host: tar -C ${LINUX_PATH} -xvf linux-5.0.6.tar.xz
user@host: cd ${LINUX_PATH}/linux-5.0.6/

4. Set a default configuration for vexpress, a motherboard containing an ARM Cortex-A9:

user@host: ARCH=arm make vexpress_defconfig

5. Optionally: Start kernel configuration menu:

user@host: ARCH=arm make menuconfig

6. Start kernel build process, (note: the number of jobs for make should equal 2*cpus + 1):

user@host: ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make -j 9

7. Test if the kernel boots in an emulated environment:

user@host: qemu-system-arm -M vexpress-a9 -nographic -no-reboot \
                -kernel arch/arm/boot/zImage \
                -dtb arch/arm/boot/dts/vexpress-v2p-ca9.dtb \
                -append "panic=5 console=ttyAMA0"
  1. The kernel should panic

2.4.5. Assignments

  • Cross compile init-hello-world with arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc and test init= in qemu

2.4.6. Questions

  • Show the differences between the default and your kernel configuration.
  • What is the dtb file being passed to the qemu?

2.4.7. Staging Installation Steps (Preparing the root file system)

1. Cross-compile the kernel modules:

user@host: ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make -j 9 modules

2. Copy the kernel to staging directory:

user@host: mkdir ${STAGING_PATH}/boot
user@host: cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ${STAGING_PATH}/boot/zImage

3. Copy the device tree to staging directory:

user@host: cp arch/arm/boot/dts/vexpress-v2p-ca9.dtb \

4. Install kernel modules to staging directory:

user@host: ARCH=arm INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${STAGING_PATH} make modules_install

2.4.8. Assignments

  • Clean the Busybox build
  • Enable the following applets in the Busybox menu: modprobe, lsmod
  • Cross compile Busybox
  • Install Busybox to the the staging directory
  • Create a compressed cpio archive and boot in qemu
  • Load a kernel module using modprobe and check with lsmod

2.4.9. Optional Assignments

  • Cross compile toybox, create a new compressed cpio archive and boot in qemu. Compare the differences between toybox and busybox.
  • Configure the kernel in a way to make the resulting binary as small as possible (non used funtionality can be removed from the config, e.g. ipv6, wireless networking, exotic protocols, file systems, …)