3.2. Timerwheel Module

3.2.1. Concepts

  • A timerwheel is a data structure to organize multiple user timers based on a single core timer tick
  • Used in both OS kernels and user space frameworks
  • It can support a large number of user timers

3.2.2. Assignment

  • Create a timer module, providing the ability to call a user callback upon timer expiration
  • Use a hashed timerwheel and a linked list for every hash node
  • Use a single POSIX timer a timer tick
  • Make a generic implementation with user callback and data pointer
  • Create a header file for reuse in other programs

3.2.3. Module API


#define TIMER_STOP              0x00
#define TIMER_SINGLE_SHOT       0x01
#define TIMER_INTERVAL          0x02
#define TIMER_AUTO_DEL          0x04

struct timerwheel_ctx;
struct timerwheel_node;

typedef void (*timer_cb)(struct timerwheel_node *node, void *data);

int timerwheel_init(struct timerwheel_ctx **wheel, int tick_period, int wheel_len);
int timerwheel_get_fd(struct timerwheel_ctx *wheel);
int timerwheel_start(struct timerwheel_ctx *wheel);
int timerwheel_tick(struct timerwheel_ctx *wheel);

int timerwheel_node_create(struct timerwheel_ctx *wheel,
                                struct timerwheel_node **handle);
int timerwheel_node_init(struct timerwheel_node *handle, timer_cb funcp, void *data);
int timerwheel_node_reschedule(struct timerwheel_node *handle, int period, int mode);
int timerwheel_node_remove(struct timerwheel_node *handle);


3.2.4. Hints

  • Use the following structures as internal main context and node context:
// main wheel control structure
struct timerwheel_ctx {
        int fd;                         // timer file descriptor
        int len;                        // length of the wheel
        int tick_period;                // timer tick period in ms
        int current_slot;               // current timer slot
        struct list_node slots[];       // placeholder for variable array

// individual timer node structure
struct timerwheel_node {
        int expire;                     // number of ticks
        int mode;                       // singleshot, interval, auto-delete
        int period;                     // node in ms
        void *data;                     // user context to pass to callback
        timer_cb callback;              // user callback to call at expiration
        struct timerwheel_ctx *wheel;   // pointer to parent context
        struct list_node el;

3.2.5. Questions

  • Where is this data structure used in Linux?
  • What are the benefits of using such a data structure for timers?
  • What other data structures exist for implementing timers? With or without timer tick?